
A merchant account is like a special bank account for businesses. It allows them to accept payments from customers using credit or debit cards. Here’s how it works:

  1. Customer pays with a card: When someone buys something with a card, the payment details are collected.
  2. Payment processing: The business sends these details to a payment processor or bank.
  3. Check if it’s okay: The bank checks if the card is valid and if there’s enough money to cover the purchase.
  4. Money transfer: If everything’s good, the money moves from the customer’s account to the special merchant account.
  5. Get the money: After a while, the money from the special account goes into the business’s regular bank account.

So, a merchant account helps businesses handle card payments smoothly.

Typically, the approval of your application takes about 3-5 business days. After approval, the account setup and customer onboarding processes follow, allowing you to start processing payments at your convenience.

You have a significant role in determining how quickly the approval process happens. It’s crucial to ensure you submit all the necessary paperwork (agreement and supporting documents) for the approval to proceed. Once we receive a complete application package, approval can be granted in a matter of hours to a few days.

Keep in mind that if you deal with a high-risk product or service, or if your trading volumes are exceptionally high, the review process might take a bit longer. If time is of the essence, and you need a swift approval, you can request an expedited review of your application. Feel free to reach out to our customer service team for assistance with an accelerated review.

We take pride in our close collaboration with each client, fostering a deep understanding of your business. This close partnership allows us to expedite the approval process, making it significantly quicker and more straightforward than usual. Clients will likely experience a streamlined and well-supported application review.

This approach enables us to approve merchants that other providers might struggle with; even if you have a less-than-perfect credit history, it won’t hinder approval. The entire process is crafted to be exceptionally fast and user-friendly, continually refined based on valuable customer feedback.

Most common household goods and services can receive swift and straightforward approval. If you have any inquiries about the products or services you offer, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Named after its original developers, Europay, MasterCard®, and Visa®, this technology incorporates embedded microchips in payment devices (such as cards, mobile phones, etc.) to securely store and protect cardholder data. EMV chip technology is emerging as the universal standard for credit and debit card transactions globally, known by various names such as chip and PIN or chip and signature in different regions worldwide.

PCI compliance, also recognized as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), stands as a crucial standard embraced by prominent credit card entities such as Visa and Mastercard. Its primary purpose is to safeguard both the card companies and their affiliated merchants against potential risks linked to the exposure of cardholder data. While PCI-DSS does not carry the force of law, it functions as a recommendation from major card brands. Similar to legal obligations, failure to achieve compliance may result in penalties, manifesting in the form of non-compliance fees.


A business should be PCI compliant for several important reasons:

  1. Security of Cardholder Data: PCI compliance ensures the security of sensitive cardholder data, reducing the risk of data breaches. Protecting this information is not only crucial for customers’ trust but also legally mandated in many jurisdictions.
  2. Industry Standards: PCI-DSS represents a set of industry standards established by major credit card companies. Complying with these standards helps businesses align with the best practices recognized by the payment card industry.
  3. Customer Trust and Confidence: Demonstrating PCI compliance sends a strong message to customers that their financial information is treated with the utmost care and security. This builds trust and confidence, fostering positive relationships with clients.
  4. Legal and Regulatory Requirements: In many regions, businesses are subject to legal and regulatory requirements regarding the protection of sensitive data. PCI compliance helps fulfill these obligations, reducing the risk of legal consequences and associated penalties.
  5. Avoidance of Financial Penalties: Non-compliance can lead to significant financial penalties imposed by credit card companies. Businesses that fail to meet PCI standards may face fines and increased transaction fees.
  6. Protection Against Data Breaches: Adhering to PCI standards helps mitigate the risk of data breaches. Data breaches can result in financial losses, damage to reputation, and legal consequences, all of which can be detrimental to a business.
  7. Access to Payment Systems: Maintaining PCI compliance is often a requirement for businesses to access and use payment systems provided by major credit card companies. Non-compliant businesses may face restrictions or be denied access to these systems.
  8. Risk Management: PCI compliance is a proactive approach to risk management. By implementing security measures and following best practices, businesses can reduce the likelihood of security incidents and associated risks.
  9. Competitive Advantage: Being PCI compliant can serve as a competitive advantage. Many customers prioritize security when choosing where to make their purchases, and a PCI-compliant business can use this as a selling point.
  10. Overall Business Reputation: A commitment to PCI compliance contributes to a positive business reputation. Customers are more likely to trust and recommend businesses that prioritize the security and protection of their sensitive information.

In summary, PCI compliance is essential for safeguarding sensitive data, maintaining legal and industry standards, building customer trust, avoiding financial penalties, and ensuring the overall security and integrity of a business’s operations.

The first step is to fill out an application. The underwriters will determine, based off of several factors, what type of risk you are to them. Most businesses are low risk. Based off of that risk, how long you have been in business, how much you process, etc., it will ask for information to be attached to the application. This would at least include the owners identification, a voided check, processing statements (if you are currently processing) and corporate documents. Once attached and signed, the application will go to underwriting for review.

Underwriting could ask for more information before approval. If not, the account will be approved. Once approved, our team will send you information for your log in! This will be for your Dashboard and you will have access to statements, authorizations, batches and more. We will also send you your information on how to become PCI Compliant. This will be in the form of a questioneer. Depending on what services you have, we will then start to set up and send out equipment, send you gateway information etc. The good news is, NALA will be with you each step of the way so you will not feel lost or overwhelmed!